Saturday, July 9, 2016

Turtles Over a Blue Moon

This is what fueled my imagination to write this blog.

Over 20 years ago, I went on a writing adventure with 9 high school classmates at Lourdes Academy in Oshkosh, WI.  We were a hungry bunch in 7th hour Advanced Composition class.  We voted on a writing project that would take us on 6 frozen treat escapades in the city.  

Yes, we were driven by the desire to eat ice cream but not unlike many motivators, this lead us to some actual learning as well.  We learned basic skills in interviewing subjects, draft writing and picked up on many interesting terms such as butter fat content and over run. 

Close to 25 years after this fun project, I still remember the differences between ice milk, ice cream and frozen custard.  My stomach tells me not to worry about the fat content.  The level of satisfaction found in eating this Gilly Cookie Sandwich far outweighs my concern over calories. 

I am still driven by my desire to eat frozen treats and I also recognize my desire to write.  So here I am, a middle aged ice cream loving writer still going on frozen treat escapades.  

Thank you Tim Crimmins, for voicing your idea in Advanced Composition class and to Mrs. Mengeling for making the project a reality.   

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